Female To Male Surgery Procedures
Although there is little data to be found on the transgender population in the United States since official records don’t contain gender identity data, it is estimated that almost a million people belong to the transgender population.
In fact, to give you a more detailed number, as much as 700,000 Americans identify as transgender according to a research by The Williams Institute on Public Policy and Law on Sexual Orientation. And as per The Encyclopedia of Survey, around 100 to 500 sex reassignment surgeries are conducted every year in the United States. However, numbers vary, and several researchers claim that the number is much higher, with some surgeons even claiming that they conduct close to 200 surgeries very year themselves.
As you can see, there are many people across the country who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. In other words, they are convinced that they were born in the wrong body, that is, in this case, in a female body when they themselves feel like a male inside. If you too feel this way, there is a solution for you that will adjust your body to your heart and mind. If you are born with the body of a female, but you feel and know that you are male, a sex reassignment surgery, particularly a female to male surgery can help you live your true, authentic self.
At Beverly Hills Transgender Surgery, Dr. Alexander Sinclair can provide not just a sex reassignment surgery that will transition you from a female to a male but also and female to male hormone replacement therapy.
What is the procedure of a female to male surgery like?
Truthfully speaking, female to male (FTM) sex reassignment surgeries are much less common than male to female surgeries, and their chances of success are lower as well. If you go ahead with this procedure, it will take two separate surgeries to remove your breasts, uterus, and ovaries. Using tissues from other parts of your body where you can feel sexual sensation, like your forearm or thighs, a neo-phallus is constructed.
On top of this, the clitoris is enlarged using male hormone therapy, and if you want to be able to urinate while standing up, your urethra has to be lengthened. This is the most difficult and complicated part of the entire surgical procedure. Needless to say, female to male surgeries is extremely expensive.
Since it is a highly complex and expensive process, many trans men choose to undergo an FTM top surgery, hysterectomy or/and hormone replacement therapy instead of having a full gender reassignment surgery.
- FTM top surgery
A surgery that involves removing your breasts, also known as a bilateral mastectomy, along with contouring of the chest to give it a more masculine appearance
- Hysterectomy
A surgery where your primary and secondary sex organs, namely ovaries and uterus, are removed
- Hormone replacement therapy
Female to male hormone replacement therapy include administering testosterone to assist your transitioning process. You can either be injected with it, take it as a pill or apply it as a cream or skin patch.
Find out more about Gender Confirmation Surgeries and Dr. Sinclair’s work.