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Facial Feminization Before & After Gallery

28 years old and 3 months after surgery

58 year old woman Facial feminization (one surgery) includes Adam’s Apple Shave, Hair Advancement, Frontal Bone Setback, Orbital Rim Contour, Brow Lift, Small Anatomical Medpor Cheek Implant, Buccal Fat Removal, Chin Reduction, Jaw Reduction, Masseter Muscle Reduction.

6 months post-op after hair grafts, frontal bone setback, brow lift, cheek implant , bichet fat pad removal, chin and jaw contour, nose surgery, adams apple contouring, sliding genioplasty

32 year old facial feminization one year after hair grafts, frontal bone setback, brow lift, nose surgery, medpor chin implants, chin/jaw contouring, buccal fat pad reduction, adams apple contouring.

25 year old, Facial Feminization Surgery, including hair grafts, frontal bone setback, brow lift, Medpor cheek implants, Bichet fat pad removal, chin and jaw contouring, nose surgery, adam’s apple contour

33 Year Old Patient, 2 Months Post Op
Orbital Bone Resection and Contour, Rhinoplasty, Sliding Genioplasty, Chin and Jaw Contour

30 Year Old Patient, 2.5 Months Post Op
Full Facial Feminization

34 Year Old Patient, 10 Months Post Op
Micro Hair Grafts, Frontal Bone Resection, Orbital Bone Contour and Setback, Brow Lift, Cheek Implants, Rhinoplasty, Bichat's Fat Pad Removal, Jaw and Chin Contour, Tracheal Shave.

Schedule A Consultation

We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sinclair to discuss how he can assist you with your transition. Consultations for elective cosmetic procedures are complimentary.

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Beverly Hills Transgender Surgery. All Rights Reserved.

Sinclair Plastic Surgery

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